PM Modi Welcomes Putin With Hug, Focus On S-400 Missiles Deal

PM Modi Welcomes Putin With Hug, Focus On S-400 Missiles Deal

Russian President Vladimir Putin is in India on a two-day visit the focus of that visit is a defense deal worth more than five billion dollars vishnu chom has the details the s400 missile system potentially a game-changer in the entire region now India's acquiring five of these systems in a deal worth more than five billion dollars now what makes the s400 very special for starters it can actually hit incoming
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PM Modi Welcomes Putin With Hug, Focus On S-400 Missiles Deal

ballistic missiles cruise missiles and also aircraft at ranges up to 400 kilometers away and perhaps as significantly the radars of the system can detect targets 600 kilometers away well into China off to
Pakistan for that matter and let's give you a few more details of this system the s400 system includes launchers radars and a command center China is also acquiring the s400 system from Russia interestingly China will receive the s400 before India but it's still not clear at this stage whether the Chinese would have the variant that India has with a missile which can actually hit targets as far out as 400 kilometers so what exactly does this mean it means that the moment there is a Chinese aircraft out in the skies at a range of 600 odd kilometers it can be picked up by the s400 system and if it

comes within 400 kilometers of the s400 system it can be intercepted not just aircraft remember ballistic missiles as well which is why this is a missile shield but that's not all that India is looking
at with Russia what you actually see now are cravaack class frigates India's acquiring four of them in a 2.5 billion dollar deal to have already been built they are being modified somewhat for India in Russia and two will be built at Goa shipyards